Click here for the latest updates on your Neighbourhood Plan.


Reepham Neighbourhood Plan Hearing - Wednesday 25th September 2024 at Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall

Details will be posted as they become available


2023 Regulation 16 - Reepham NP Consultation Statement (updated 19/12/23) - PART 1 OF 2

2023 Regulation 16 - Reepham NP Consultation Statement (updated 19/12/23) - PART 2 OF 2

2023 Regulation 16 - NP Appendix A - Reepham Core Shape and Form Review

2023 Regulation 16 - NP Appendix C - Design Codes

2023 Regulation 16 - NP Appendix D - Methodology for Site Selection

2023 Regulation 16 - NP Appendix E - Terms of Reference for Steering Group

2023 Regulation 16 - Reepham NP - Basic Conditions Statement - Final

2023 Regulation 16 - Reepham SEA HRA Steering Report Final Version

2023 Reepham Site Assessment Final Report 

Reepham Neighbourhood Plan - July 2022 draft for Reg 14 Consultation

Appendix A - Reepham Core Shape & Form Review (posted July 2022)

Appendix B - Character Assessment MASTER draft 20.6.22

Appendix C - Reepham Character Area Summaries and Design Codes (posted July 2022)

Appendix D - Draft Methodology for site selection V1.1 (posted July 2022)

Reepham Site Assessment Final Report - Update 2 - April 2019

Adopted Terms of Reference for Neighbourhood Plan Group

Business Questionnaire V1

Parish Boundary-Reepham

Questionnaire Result Summary Public Meeting

Reepham Approval Letter

Reepham designation statement-July 2017

Central Lincolnshire Local Plan