September 2018 Minutes


Minutes of Meeting

Methodist Schoolroom on Tuesday 25th September 2018 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr D Perkins, who presided, Cllrs A Clay, P Stuffins, B Tebbs, A Brammer and D World with the Clerk, Mr B Wharton.

C/Cllr I Fleetwood and D/Cllrs M Palmer, A Welburn and C Darcel also attended


A resident expressed major concerns over the safety of schoolchildren walking along Hawthorn Road and then crossing to the footpath that leads into the St Paul’s area of Cherry Willingham. He recounted two occasions of very near misses and of reckless behaviour by the children that could have been dangerous had there been traffic around.

1. Apologies.

Cllr N Ward (work).

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 31st July 2018.

At the proposal by Cllr B Tebbs, seconded by Cllr A Clay, it was resolved that the minutes be accepted.

3. Co-option.

One letter of interest had been received from Mrs Catherine Wilson.

At the proposal of Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr A Clay it was resolved by a majority vote that she should be accepted onto the Parish Council.

In her absence the forms will need to be completed and her Acceptance of Office signed at the October meeting.

Dispensations in the two current categories were required to be resolved to enable discussions on two subjects.

a. Precept: at the proposal of Cllr A Brammer and seconded by Cllr B Tebbs, it was resolved that dispensation be granted until end May 2019.

b. Good’s farm Development: at the proposal of Cllr B Tebbs, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was resolved that dispensation be granted until end May 2019.

4. Clerk’s Report

WLDC have sent a reminder to the owners that the chestnut tree (remover under a TPO) will need to be replaced. The oak tree (TPO) to the west of Manor Rise that had been blown over will need to be replaced over this winter. Cllr B Tebbs to action.

As requested from WLDC the list of Reepham TPOs will be passed to the Councillors.

Work is progressing on the Precept after some concerns over the mandates on the bank account.

The Chapel Close road sign has been replaced. The road salt bin on Fiskerton Road corner has been replaced leaving an unsightly bare patch on the grass verge – WLDC aware.

5. Correspondence

D/Cllrs Welburn and Palmer – report for September

C/Cllr I Fleetwood – brief for August and September.

LALC – News and Annual Report.

WLDC – Meeting notice.

HAGS and Wicksteed – adverts

Barclays – changes to terms.

Sudbrooke PC – Neighbourhood Plan consultation.

Royal Mail – changes in conditions.

Village resident – request for signage for drivers approaching North Lane along Kennel Lane from either direction. Clerk to write to LCC Highways, forwarding the email.

Village resident – complaint over dog owners and their animal’s droppings. Clerk to comment in Reepham News.

6. Financial Matters

Presentation of Accounts:

Glendale 2 X grass cut £ 548.76

Glendale Hedge cut £ 538.80

Glendale Shrub cut and dogwoods £ 249.70

£ 1337.26

At the proposal of Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was carried that these be paid.

7. Planning Matters

Report from the Planning Committee – 3 applications were assessed at 31 Station Rd, Land behind 6 hawthorn Road and Land to west of Fiskerton Road.

No decisions received.

Good’s Farm Development:

Following meetings with the Good family and their meetings with their legal advisors, correspondence between the parties has ceased for the time being. The Chairman recounted the events leading up to the impasse. After advice from Good’s legal consultants, the Parish Council were presented with an opportunity to call an extraordinary meeting to discuss and recall the objection presented to WLDC Planning.

Further discussions with LALC confirmed that the Parish Council had acted legally in the granting of dispensations to all Councillors and that, in terms of the Parish Council, there would be no case to answer should the matter be brought to a Judicial Review. The Chairman decided not to call the extraordinary meeting.

The meeting was closed at 2012 for a resident to be allowed to make a comment and was re-opened at 2015. No further discussion took place.

Neighbourhood Plan:

A report of the group’s meetings was given by Cllr D World. He numbered the Call for Sites receipts at 17. Notice, though not content, of these had been received by the Clerk.

Cllr P Stuffins raised the point that all responses to Call for Sites that were progressed through to outside consultancies should be recorded and stored with the original application. The Group were asked to ensure that copies were forwarded to the Clerk who would then place them in the electronic storage for any queries.

Technical Advice from AECOM had been granted and the first steps towards assessment of these sites was underway.


Following the application for an extension to the grant, acceptance was received from Groundwork UK. The grant will now stand until 31st March 2019 when all monies must have been spent or repaid.

8. Roads and Footways

Quotes are being obtained from builders for the tarmacking of the Kissing gate area as required by Standing Orders.

After the presentation on the safety of schoolchildren, the Clerk is to write to LCC Highways to request them to investigate the problem with a view to produce advisory signage or to assess the reduction of the speed limit to 30mph.

9. Field Footpaths and Bridleways

It was noted by Cllr B Tebbs that the footpath Reep/123 to the west of Mellows Close was becoming overgrown again. Clerk to approach the Probation Service for their help again.

Brambles are spreading from the railway embankment along the side of the footpath at Manor Rise – Network rail to be made aware.

It was noted that the side bars of two bridges along footpaths Reep/128/2 and Reep128/1 were becoming loose. Countryside access to be made aware.

10. Conservation Areas


11. Amenity Areas

Play area panel repairs were carried forward to the next agenda.

Play Area equipment, surfacing and inspection comments. Quotes received from Wicksteed give suggested levels of expenditure for the soft surfaces. Clerk to contact local contractor for advice and quote.

The Pi Inspection last year suggested that there should exist a notice at the play park entrance that gave a contact address and number for emergency. While this is good for breakages, etc, the idea for real emergencies is less sensible. Advice suggests that Clerk’s home number should not be displaed here – Clerk to assess obtaining a pay as you go mobile phone for general use and cost the addition of a sign to add to the current sign.

12. Footpaths between neighbouring communities.

Carried to next meeting

13. Christmas Tree, Santa and Carols

14. Business for the Next Agenda

Meeting ends….0902pm

Next Meeting: Tuesday October 30th, 2018