November 2018 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
Methodist Schoolroom on Tuesday 27th November 2018 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs P Stuffins, B Tebbs, A Brammer, N Ward and D World with the Clerk, Mr B Wharton. In the immediate absence of Cllr D Perkins, Cllr D World was elected to chair the first motions. At 07.40pm Cllr Perkins, who had been delayed in traffic arrived and took over the chair.
C/Cllr I Fleetwood and D/Cllrs M Palmer and A Welburn also attended
The School Headmaster Mr Ian Randall, PCSO Parker and a resident attended to discuss the work that had been suggested on the issues of parking in the village at school drop-off and pick-up times. One surprising aspect was that more of the parking problem was attributable to the nursery, rather than the primary school, than was thought. This issue to become a regular agenda item in say, February and September.
Afterwards PCSO Parker detailed the incidents in Reepham during Oct/Nov.
1. Apologies.
Cllrs C Wilson and J Oxby. D/Cllr Darcel. Cllr D Perkins apologised for his expected late arrival.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th October 2018.
At the proposal by Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr N Ward, it was resolved that the minutes be accepted.
3. Clerk’s Report
The Road Safety Partnership had been approached concerning the speeding issues near to the footpath opposite the cemetery.
LCC report that the bridges on FP123 have been repaired. WLDC have swept the roads.
D/Cllrs Welburn and Palmer both report small amounts of money remaining in the Initiative Fund, say for Christmas lighting and or/oak tree.
Licence for the Christmas tree lighting had been applied for.
The poplar tree at the end of Kennel Lane is to be taken down for safety reasons. It is large and has many splits in the trunk.
4. Correspondence
D/Cllrs Welburn and Palmer – report for December
C/Cllr I Fleetwood – brief for November
LCC BS&E Grass Cutting agreement with verges maps.
Minutes of Meeting
HAGs - advert.
Wicksteed - advert
LCR – magazine.
The pensions Regulator – information.
Clerks and Councils Direct – magazine
Glendale – advert.
CAB – Appeal for funding.
WLDC – Review of Polling Districts and Places.
5. Financial Matters
Presentation of Accounts:
Glendale 1 X grass cut £ 274.38
Glendale 1 X Hedge Cut £ 595.54
Clerk’s Salary, telephone, etc £ 943.12
PAYE £ 228.28
Wicksteed – wet pour £ 145.82
Vodafone – (B Wharton) £ 15.00
£ 2202.14
At the proposal of Cllr N Ward, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was carried that these be paid.
Although the Precept was cleared during last month’s meeting, it was premature in that the form must be signed by the Chair, two other Councillors and the Clerk on the night that it was cleared. Additionally, there is a need to consider whether an addition need be requested to
cover the coming election during next year. Clerk reported that money for the election 3 years ago was not used and is enough to cover the election costs if it is not contested. If it is then there is enough in hand, if not then consider for 2019/20.
At the proposal by Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins, it was resolved that the Precept requested be £8250.
Church Pathway: Quote awaited..
6. Planning Matters
Report from the Planning Committee –
No report in the absence of Cllr A Clay. Two tree reports had been looked at – no housing applications.
Good’s Farm Development:
Neighbourhood Plan:
A report of the group’s meetings was given by Cllr D World. The minutes of the latest meeting were on the website. A report from AECOM was not now expected until January. Discussions and advice were needed as to whether Dispensations might be needed for those in the NPG who had an interest in the Call for Sites.
7. Roads and Footways
The quotes for the tarmacking of the Kissing Gate area were discussed and the quote from JMH was accepted at £2750 with £160 for repairs to the ‘hang’ of the gate; all plus VAT.
Clerk to approach iGas for funding grant.
The extension through to Mellows Close was carried to the next agenda.
From the earlier presentation, Clerk to approach C/Cllr R Davies, cc C/Cllr Fleetwood to request the use of the CCTV Car. Clerk to investigate the Speed Check initiative from LCC.
8. Field Footpaths and Bridleways
9. Conservation Areas
10. Amenity Areas
The Wet Pour from Wicksteed is now with Richard Gadsby for filling in the cracks.
A firm has been sourced to supply the backing board for the slide. They have offcuts that would be suitable for the repair and have offered to cut and smooth the edges.
At the proposal of Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was carried that these be requested to supply up to a limit of £425.00 + VAT.
The Pay as You Go mobile phone has been acquired and the number will be added to the website. A suitable notice will be requested from Signs of the Times who supplied the original notice.
At the proposal of Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins, it was carried that this be purchased.
Cllr B Tebbs reported that an oak tree had been sourced and would soon be planted.
11. Dates for 2019 Meetings.
The meeting dates were announced as: Jan 29th, Feb 26th, Mar 26th May 15th, Jun 25th, Jul 30th, Sep 24th, Oct 29th and Dec 3rd.
12. Business for the Next Agenda
Christmas lights replacement.
Meeting ends….0905pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 29th, 2019.