October 2018 Minutes
Minutes of Meeting
Methodist Schoolroom on Tuesday 30th October 2018 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllr D Perkins, who presided, Cllrs A Clay, P Stuffins, J Oxby, B Tebbs, C Wilson, N Ward and D World with the Clerk, Mr B Wharton.
C/Cllr I Fleetwood and D/Cllrs M Palmer, A Welburn and C Darcel also attended
8 Residents attended to present their concerns over the daily parking problems surrounding the drop off and pick up of schoolchildren not only on the High Street close to the school but with it’s spread to adjacent streets and, even, residents’ driveways.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th September 2018.
There was a question as to why some items came under “Matters raised….” Whilst others didn’t. “Matters raised …“ came from attending residents – no outcomes under this section as the presentations come before the meeting begins. The others came in correspondence (usually emails) and were either discussed under correspondence with an outcome or were allocated to an actual agenda item with the outcome there.
At the proposal by Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr B Tebbs, it was resolved that the minutes be accepted.
3. Clerk’s Report
Brambles reported to Network Rail and bridges to LCC. A response from LCC gives a time frame of up to 6 months before action taken.
Cherry Willingham PC had been included in the representations to Highways over the resident’s crossing request concerning schoolchildren at risk and, also, the Kennel Lane/North Lane signage request. The response from LCC was read out to the meeting.
4. Correspondence
D/Cllrs Welburn and Palmer – report for October
C/Cllr I Fleetwood – brief for October.
iGas – Community Fund
ICS – Funding Services.
WLDC – Review of Polling Districts and Places.
Kompan – Brochure
Sunway Gym. – Brochure
Barclays – Closure of North Hykeham Branch.
Resident in Cherry Willingham – Comments re application to rear of 39-51 hawthorn Rd.
Lincoln Fire – Emergency Text Alert System.
5. Financial Matters
Presentation of Accounts:
Glendale 1 X grass cut £ 274.38
Greensfield 3 X Park Inspection £ 52.50
£ 326.88
At the proposal of Cllr J Oxby, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins, it was carried that these be paid.
A copy of the workings of the 2018/19 finances had been forwarded to the Councillors with a recommendation of a Precept of either £8,000 or inflation level raise to £8250.
At the proposal by Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr J Oxby, it was resolved that the Clerk should send the Estimate Precept to WLDC at £8250 and that the Final should be £8250, though that figure is not required at present.
Church Pathway: Nil to date.
6. Planning Matters
Report from the Planning Committee –
An acceptance was received for the 31 Station Road application.
Cllr C Wilson, new to the Parish Council, requested a position on the Planning Committee. At the proposal by Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr J Oxby, it was resolved that she be added.
Good’s Farm Development:
The Chairman gave a brief account of where things stood at present – we await developments.
Neighbourhood Plan:
A report of the group’s meetings was given by Cllr D World. The minutes of the latest meeting were on the website. Finances were now under less pressure as the grant period had been extended until the financial year end at 31st March 2019.
7. Roads and Footways
The final quote is still being sought for the tarmacking under the kissing gate. The two brochures on grants had been investigated. ICS had commented the previous year that grants for footpaths were unlikely, however, contacts with iGas were much more optimistic and, at the proposition of Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr J Oxby it was resolved that the Clerk should apply for this grant when appropriate.
Gritting. A letter from LCC had been received that outlined the supply of grit/salt for self help by villages. The roads through Reepham, apart from Moor Lane, are on the gritting routes. However, a question was raised about gritting footpaths. The Parish Council taking on this task would be nigh on impossible, but it did raise the question of whether volunteer effort through the Community could be generated for this and much more besides. The Clerk is to raise a comment in the Reepham News to suggest a raising of interest.
From the earlier presentation, it became apparent that there is very little to be done through official channels to manage the random parking issues. Community spirit is again a great thing and volunteers a force to be reckoned with. First, a meeting of minds between the school, the Parish Council and interested parties to generate ideas and solutions will be needed and the Clerk is to write to the school to suggest a meeting.
The meeting was closed at 9.00pm and re-opened at 9.05pm to hear comments from residents.
A number of Councillors and residents have raised their hands to volunteer.
8. Field Footpaths and Bridleways
9. Conservation Areas
Piles of bricks had been observed on the property on the corner of Mellows Close and High Street. Th ere are no planning applications for this and ownership of the land might be in question. C/Cllr Fleetwood to investigate.
It was noted that the trees opposite along the road side on Station Road were showing signs of distress. Ownership would be LCC Highways – Clerk to inform.
10. Amenity Areas
The play park inspector had been consulted about the filling of the cracks in the soft surfaces underneath the equipment. He could not give a definite quote for the work as he could not say how long the task would take. Given his hourly rate of working, at the proposal by Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins it was resolved that the Clerk should obtain the wet pour from Wicksteed and arrange for cleaning and filling the cracks.
Following last month’s task to assess the costs of mobile phone and extra notice board at the play park, the mobile would be of the order of £5-10 with a £10 pay as you go contract. Similar to the previous notice, a new one would be just over the £100. At the proposal of Cllr D World, seconded by Cllr J Oxby, it was resolved that the Clerk should contract a pay as you go mobile phone to obtain a new number. This would be used as the official telephone number for the Parish Council, outgoing calls would continue from the Clerk’s own telephone number at the nominal cost of £15 per quarter.
Suitable material to replace the screens on the play park slide is still sought.
11. Footpaths between neighbouring communities.
Carried to next meeting
12. Christmas Tree, Santa and Carols
Cllr A Brammer has purchased a set of new lights to replace those destroyed in last year’s wind. At the proposal of Cllr B Tebbs, seconded by Cllr A Clay, it was resolved that a cheque be paid for £20.39 for the cost of these. It was noted that Cllr Brammer was still searching for a more robust set if he could find them. An assessment of wattage is awaited to apply for the licence to extract electricity from the system to power the lights over the Christmas period.
13. Business for the Next Agenda
Meeting ends….0927pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday November 27th, 2018