October 29th 2020 minutes

Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall on Tuesday 29th October 2020 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr D Perkins, who presided. Cllrs A Brammer, C Wilson, B Tebbs, and P Stuffins with the Clerk Mr B Wharton.  D/Cllr A Welburn.

This meeting was held under strict Social Distancing rules. Members of the Public were invited but none attended.

A pre-meeting under Planning was held beforehand to resolve any observations regarding Application No 141785 Land West of Fiskerton Road and Application No 141813 Land to South of Wragby Road, East. Cllr P Stuffins declared an interest in the Application 141785 and left the room during the discussion. See Item 6 below.

The meeting commenced at 7.38pm.



1. Apologies.

Cllr J Oxby (work), Cllr N Ward and D/Cllr C Darcel.

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on  6th October 2020.

At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr C Wilson, it was resolved with the quorate reached by Cllr D Perkins voting that the minutes be accepted: Cllrs Stuffins and Tebbs had not been at the previous meeting.

3. Clerk’s Report

Co-option. No requests for re-election had been received at WLDC – the Clerk has been authorised to inform the Parish Council to proceed with co-option protocol.

The Clerk’s replacement had been advertised and some interest from far and near has been received. The advertisement will not be re-issued in either of the local news outlets and the vacancy notice in the LALC website will have 17 November as a closing date. Chair commented that there was little experience of employment practice within the Parish Council and that outside help may be needed. The provision of Pension gave some concern. At the proposal of Cllr D Perkins, seconded by Cllr B Tebbs, it was resolved to adopt the pension offered by the National Employment Pension’s Trust if a pension was required.

The Register of Electors has become available – this limited legally to the Clerk. It has been agreed with WLDC (Electoral Register Team) that the new Clerk will need to approach them to organise and receive the up-to-date version.

4. Correspondence

Reepham Methodist Church – Update to the facilities available. Parish Council to maintain an interest in renewal of usage when available.

LCR - Magazine

Village Hall Representative request – Cllr P Stuffins agreed to take on this role..

5. Financial Matters

Presentation of Accounts:

LALC LCR Magazine (Hard Copy)£       4.50

Cllr A Brammer – Christmas lights purchase£     24.99


At the proposal by Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr B Tebbs, it was resolved that these be signed.

LCC Invoices deposited £543.64 as their contribution to the grass cutting of Reepham’s verges.

Mandate changes for banking

The relevant forms were distributed to Cllr A Brammer and Cllr D Perkins who will be required to personally attend a Barclays Business Branch for authorisation of these forms.

Dispensations for Precept discussion.

The dispensations were signed by the councillorspresent, and by the clerk for authorisation.

Workings of the current finances had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting.

At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins, it was resolved that the Estimate and Final returns should be made to WLDC at the amount of £8500.

6. Planning Matters

There wasno ongoing report as matters had been handled in full council..

Application 141785 Land to West of Fiskerton Road. Following the agreed comments in earlier session, it was Proposed by Cllr C Wilson, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was resolved that Cllr B Tebbs word a response to be forwarded to WLDC. The comments should reflect the unexpected size of the proposed houses and to query how such a size could be described as ‘subordinate’ to surrounding properties.

Application 141813 Land South of Wragby Road East, at the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr C Wilson, it was resolved Clerk should return ‘no observations’ to WLDC.

The Appeal for the Good’s Farm Applications was to be heard in November. It was noted that the Parish Council would have nothing to add to its earlier comments. If required, Cllrs A Brammer and Cllr M Doughty would be required to declare an interest because of their proximity to the area. Earlier dispensations have lapsed in the interim period.

Neighbourhood Planning: Cllr C Wilson gave a brief run down of the meetings held recently. Nothing material had taken place but work was still progressing.

7. Roads and Footways

Cyclists Dismount: The original residents who had requested the signs had been approached and their views were taken into consideration. They had confirmed their intention to donate £259 to the cost of signs. At the proposal of Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr P Stuffins it was resolved that the residents’ preferred wording should be adopted and that the clerk should order 2 signs with posts in blue/white with the wording ‘NO CYCLING’ from Signs of the Times. Clerk to approach EKM Ltd to arrange installation (coincidental to play park fencing (item 10).

Manor Rise footpath: Nil.

Village Gates: Clerk to obtain a quote from Morelock Ltd for 2 signs installed for Kennel Lane and Fiskerton Road. These will then be assessed against the idea of village gates.

8. Field Footpaths and Bridleways

No further progress on footpaths between neighbouring communities.

9. Conservation Areas

The Village Green The local resident had been contacted and agreed with that signage could be placed on the fencing. Wording for the sign has not been agreed - carried to next agenda.

10. Amenity Areas

Play Park fencing: After assessment of the 3 quotes for the fencing, at the proposal by Cllr P Stuffins, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was resolved that EKM Ltd be approached to purchase and install galvanised, powder-coated fencing in red and to dispose of the existing fencing.

Wildflower meadows.  Cllr C Wilson presented a proposal for a project in stages to produce a wildflower meadow in the confines of the area between the kissing gate and Mellows Close. The first phase required bulbs to be purchased and planted. Clerk is to apply for a grant from the Councillors’ Initiative Fund for this first phase and forward to D/Cllr Welburn. Further phases, which will be investigated in future agendas, will include tree planting and areas of seeded areas of wild flowers. The local residents will be consulted.

11. Business for the Next Agenda

The next meeting will be difficult to arrange apart from an available date, as late as 17th December in the Village Hall. This date was agreed – clerk to book the hall. Clerk is also to consult the PCC for availability of the Church for use next year. It will be almost impossible to book the village hall next year for any time other than during school holidays when the regular groups do not have pre-bookings.

Meeting closed at 21.20pm. Next meeting Thursday Dec 17th  2020 at 7.30pm