Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Reepham Parish Council held on
Tuesday 28th January 2025 at 7.30pm in Reepham Methodist Chapel
Present: Cllrs D Perkins (Chairman), A Brammer, B Wharton (also acting as Clerk), H Gee, N Ward, M Doughty, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr M Palmer. One member of the public also attended.
Meeting started at 7.30pm.
Matters raised by members of the public:
1. Apologies: D/Cllrs T Bridgwood - attendance at WLDC meeting.
Cllr C Wilson -health. At the proposal by Cllr D Perkins, seconded by Cllr M Doughty, it was RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted
2. Declarations of Interest: None.
3. Minutes of Meeting held on 26th November 2024:
At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr H Gee, it was RESOLVED
that the minutes be accepted.
4. Clerk’s Report: A report supplied by the Clerk was read out by Cllr D Perkins.
Police Parish Council Engagement Session – 14th January 2925: Cancellation noted.
Village Litter Pick: 30th March date was selected.
Network Rail A series of photographs showing vegetation growth were inspected and will be forwarded to Network Rail.
LRSP – Free wheelie bin stickers: To be distributed.
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: update, finances, website, fact checking of Inspector’s report: Meeting was closed at 7.35pm for the Steering Group Chair to
explain the reasoning and requirement behind the next stages for the Neighbourhood Plan. The recommendation to follow the changes put forward by the Inspector were accepted. These would give greater flexibility and finance for future community development. The final say will be made by the community following an explanatory public meeting, and referendum.
Standing Orders were resumed at 7.52pm and the resident left the meeting.
Under 7. Planning Matters. Neighbourhood Steering Group update: Cllr D Perkins proposed, seconded by Cllr N Ward, it was Resolved that there would be more Parish Council involvement to promote the adoption of the amended Neighbourhood Plan.
It was further Resolved at the proposal by Cllr D Perkins, seconded by Cllr A Brammer that the examiner’s suggestions for change be accepted.
5. Correspondence:
The Police statistics for November 2024 had been distributed and were noted.
LCC Budget and Council Tax Proposals 2025/26. It was noted that the preferred figure was 2.99%.
6. Financial matters
a) Presentation of Accounts for Payment:
M Vail – Jan salary £ 248.15
PAYE – Jan £ 62.00
Sage payroll, Jan £ 12.00 (inc £2 VAT)
PAYE – Dec £ 62.00
Glendale 0827 £ 370.49(inc £61.76 VAT)
LALC Annual Subscription , 2025/26 £ 284.26
TOTAL £ 976.90(inc £63.76 VAT)
At the proposal by Cllr N Ward, seconded by Cllr M Doughty, it was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned accounts be paid Action: Clerk, Cllr H Gee.
b) Grass cutting/hedge and weed treatment quote:
Grass cutting £3258.20 + VAT. Hedge and weed treatment £1674.00 + VAT. At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr H Gee, it was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned quotes be accepted.
c) LALC Annual Training Scheme at £135.00 + £27.00 VAT. It was RESOLVED to continue to pay separately for each course as and when they are attended.
d) Approve purchase of a new accounts ledger at £83.00 + VAT: at the proposal by Cllr H Gee, seconded by Cllr M Doughty it was RESOLVED that the ledger be purchased.
7. Planning Matters
Report from Planning Committee: Nothing to report.
Lansdown Villa wall – consider WLDC response: It was considered that the response from WLDC was not satisfactory in that it accepted that the decision had been reached wrongly but would officially stand; the matter will be further assessed and extended. Further concerns may also be assessed for inclusion.
Goods Farm Development: Nothing to report.
WLDC – Request for information on Community Infrastructure Levy – Projects and Expenditure. No major feature to include at present – a response will be sent.
8. Roads and footways
Mellows Close to Manor Rise footpath – holding item
Mellows Close yellow lines – holding item
Bus shelter, Lincoln bound travellers at the bus stop in Fiskerton – holding item
Dog bin near to station/dog foul bin near to Kennel Lane: Whilst it was noted that a new bin had been installed on Station Rd, the condition of the Kennel Lane bin was deteriorating.
Kennel Lane – damaged bus sign – any update on repairs: Awaiting information.
9. Field Footpaths and Bridleways
Reepham /Greetwell PF 131: Delayed works: holding item.
10. Conservation area
Village Green: Cllr A Brammer updated the Council on his discussions with the supplier, DAB Graphics, and following a proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr D Perkins, it was RESOLVED to pay a deposit of £1044.50 + £208.90 VAT.
Cllr A Brammer also presented 2 quotes for the new litter bin, D/Cllr M Palmer suggested that a further look at bins recently installed at Cherry Willingham might be of use – details would be shared.
11. Amenity areas
Play Area inspections – internal: No official inspection due to weather.
12. Trees/vegetation
Bushes overhanging property on Manor Rise: ongoing.
Dead trees adjacent to property on Manor Rise: ongoing.
Holme Oak on Manor Rise: At the proposal of Cllr D Perkins, seconded by Cllr M Doughty, it was RESOLVED that Glendale be approached to complete the sympathetic pruning of the Holme Oak. A quote for biannual trimming was also requested. Glendale were also to be requested to meet Cllr Brammer to discuss pruning of the two trees on the Village Green.
13. Business for next agenda:
Chevrons on sharp bends on Kennel Lane.
14. Date of next meeting: 25th February 2025, 7.30pm, Methodist Chapel
Cllr Brian Wharton, Temporary acting Parish Clerk. 3rd February 2025.