November Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Reepham Parish Council held on
Tuesday 26th November 2024 at 7.30pm in Reepham Methodist Chapel
Present: Cllrs D Perkins (Chairman), A Brammer, B Wharton (also acting as Clerk), H Gee, C Wilson, N Ward, J Oxby, C/Cllr I Fleetwood. There were five members of the public.
Meeting started at 7.45pm.
Matters raised by members of the public:
A member of the public raised the problems relating to speeding in the area generally but more specifically on Kennel Lane, the approaches of Hawthorn Road and Fiskerton Road. Discussions brought in the assistance of C/Cllr I Fleetwood who was able to describe the workings of the LCC and the Police in running the speed cameras and maintaining a watching brief over the area.
1. Apologies: D/Cllrs T Bridgwood, M Palmer and C Darcel: attendance at WLDC meeting. Cllrs M Doughty and D Davies: work requirements. At the proposal by Cllr D Perkins, seconded by Cllr N Ward, it was RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted
2. Declarations of Interest: None.
3. Minutes of Meeting held on 2024:
At the proposal by Cllr C Wilson, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was RESOLVED
that the minutes be accepted.
4. Clerk s Report: A report supplied by the Clerk was read out by Cllr D Perkins.
Leaf sweep request: WLDC had been requested during the previous week to provide a road sweeping service for the village.
Network Rail have requested photographs of the vegetation intrusion from the railway embankment onto the footpath.
Clerk s Annual Leave: The Clerk s Annual Leave for w/c 23rd Dec and w/c 30th Dec were noted.
5. Correspondence:
The Police statistics for October 2024 had been distributed and were noted.
The Police Parish Council Engagement Session 14th January 2025 6-8 pm. It was suggested that Cllr D Davies be asked to represent the Parish Council on this Microsoft Teams meeting.
6. Financial matters
a) Presentation of Accounts for Payment:
M Vail Nov salary (inc national pay award back pay) 317.10
PAYE Nov 79.40
M Vail Dec salary 310.15
PAYE Dec 62.00
Homeworking allowance, Oct Dec 15.00
Sage payroll, Nov 12.00 (inc. 2.00 VAT)
Sage payroll, Dec 12.00 (inc. 2.00 VAT)
Glendale, hedge cut 698.20 (inc. 116.37VAT)
Glendale, grass cut 382.57 (inc. 63.77 VAT)
W&AC Rose, Xmas tree 276.00 (inc. 46 VAT)
TOTAL 2164.42 (inc. 230.14 VAT)
At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr N Ward, it was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned accounts be paid, but that the price quoted for W&AC Rose, Xmas tree be first checked for consistency with quote and previous years. Action: Clerk, Cllr H Gee.
b) Approve payment of bus shelter cleaning invoice of 45.00 when it is presented: This was noted. At the proposal by Cllr A Brammer, seconded by Cllr H Gee, it was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned account be paid after completion of service on presentation of invoice.
7. Planning Matters
Report from Planning Committee: Nothing to report.
Lansdown Villa wall consider WLDC response: It was confirmed that a response had been submitted to WLDC and copied to the Parish Council. Response from WLDC is awaited.
Goods Farm Development: Nothing to report.
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: update, finances, website, fact checking of Inspector s report: Meeting was closed at 7.55pm for the Steering Group Chair to describe the reasoning behind the responses and confirmation that the fact checking, as copied to the Parish Council, is forwarded to the Inspectors and WLDC.
Standing Orders resumed at 8.02pm, and the resident left the meeting.
8. Roads and footways
Mellows Close to Manor Rise footpath holding item
Mellows Close yellow lines holding item
Bus shelter, Lincoln bound travellers at the bus stop in Fiskerton holding item
Dog bin near to station/dog foul bin near to Kennel Lane: Awaiting information.
Kennel Lane damaged bus sign any update on repairs: Awaiting information.
Relocation of Cherry Willingham sign at Hawthorn Avenue area: It was noted that there would be no movement of this sign from its present location.
9. Field Footpaths and Bridleways
Reepham /Greetwell PF 131: Delayed works: holding item. Contact from LCC notes that, following changing circumstances it was unlikely that there would be any changes until after April 2025.
Seat on FP 109 (bridleway) in poor condition: Cllr N Ward confirmed that the seat does not now exist. No further action.
10. Conservation area
Village Green: Cllr A Brammer updated and presented quotes following a meeting with the graphics company assisting with the presentation notice board.
At the proposal by Cllr N Ward, seconded by Cllr C Wilson, it was RESOLVED to continue working with this company towards the completion of this project.
There was further discussion on whether the footpath to the west of Manor Rise had, or would in future, receive FP status and hence how should it be presented on the footpath notice board. The suggestion to use a different colour for this section would be held as the best way forward. Selection of the new litter bin will be carried to next meeting.
11. Amenity areas
Play Area inspections internal: No problems found.
12. Trees/vegetation
Bushes overhanging property on Manor Rise: The meeting was closed at 8.22pm for discussion with the resident over tree cutting, routine hedge trimming, etc, around Manor Rise and similar areas. A meeting with the resident and the Tree Officer WLDC is to take place. Discussions on the efficacy of the shrub trimming contract were raised.
Standing Orders resumed at 8.39pm,
Dead trees adjacent to property on Manor Rise: The 3 quotes for this project were discussed and, at the proposal by Cllr H Gee, seconded by Cllr A Brammer, it was RESOLVED that the quote from Glendale be accepted for this work.
Holme Oak on Manor Rise: There will be further discussions on the requirements for this tree as the quotes suggest different levels of treatment for the problem. Carried to next meeting.
13. Xmas planning: Note, Tree delivery date 27th November 2024.
Note, Carols around the tree, Monday 16th December 2024.
14. 2025 Meeting dates: all Tuesdays, except May (Wed): Noted.
Jan 28th, Feb 25th, Mar 25th, May 14th, Jun 24th, Jul 29th, Sept 30th, Oct 28th, Nov 25th
15. Business for next agenda:
Notice board and litter bin for the green.
New Ledger.
Grass cutting/hedge and weed treatment quote.
Annual approval of Financial Risk Assessment.
16. Date of next meeting: 28th January 2025, 7.30pm, Methodist Chapel
Mr Brian Wharton, Temporary acting Parish Clerk. 29th November 2024.